學術期刊如何應對一再抄襲的作家?(研究出版倫理)研究生英文編修出版投稿日報 1/13/2015

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* 學術期刊如何應對一再抄襲的作家?
* 學術英文投稿教學影片 (359) How do readers find you now?
* Vietnam 5.6: Giới thiệu một công nghệ (Anh tiếp thị Xúc tiến kỹ thuật)
* 動詞代替名詞 (精確英文寫作) (英文編修訓練) (5 / 10 )
* 非正式工程英文技術報告 (10) (下)
Academic publishing news 學術英文編修出版新聞

學術期刊如何應對一再抄襲的作家?(研究出版倫理)(柯泰德英文編修翻譯) (PART A)

* 一個期刊審稿人R1,告知期刊A1幾個由作者A提交疑似抄襲的刊物。

– 疑似抄襲的刊物一部分取自期刊B的文件, 另一大部分取自期刊C的文件(其中包括一個完整的圖);還有一些句子是從其他文件複製。

* 因為抄襲,期刊A1拒絕文件,沒有進一步的回應作者A.

* 一年後筆者再重新提交文件。因為以前抄襲,該期刊要求作者在提交同行評審前提出聲明。

* 在該聲明中筆者對之前的抄襲道歉,並承諾將永遠不會再次發生同樣行為。期刊同意進行同行評審。

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (Case No. 12-26)

學術英文投稿教學影片 (359) How do readers find you now?
Vietnam 5.6: Giới thiệu một công nghệ (Anh tiếp thị Xúc tiến kỹ thuật)
動詞代替名詞 (精確英文寫作) (英文編修訓練) (5 / 10 )


6. Identification and assessment of several models is possible.

7. Promulgation and verification of the accreditation standards is impossible.

8. This cycle is continued with until fluctuation of the selected model stops.

9. An evaluation of their adequacy can be made with the proposed scheme.

10. Reduction of the task complexity is achieved by application of the nonparametric technique to industrial settings.


科技英文編修訓練手冊 柯泰德

非正式工程英文技術報告 (10) (下)


* 簡要的描述工程方案所關心的事項 。經由一個句子描述工程機構對影響目標工程或客戶有關事項的關心程度。

* 闡明特定部門或客戶所關心的工程環境:管理問題形成的工程環境背景描述。

* 介紹工程問題:工程問題的本質和對與其相關的特定部門或客戶的負面影響。

* 介紹工程方案的目標:工程機構對以上問題最合理的回應

* 工程方案方法論的細節描述:精確的方案步驟描述。

* 工程方案主要成果總結:工程方案對特定部門或客戶立即的利益。

* 工程方案對特定部門或領域的全面貢獻:研究結果和所提方法對工程機構以外更廣大讀者的牽涉。


介紹管理方案的目標 Therefore, we developed an emulation method, costing less and performing more efficiently than conventional methods. 管理方案方法論的細節描述 Appropriate types of FPGA, e.g., Virtex E of Xilinx or APEX of Altera, with a retail value of around US$10,000, were selected according to size and speed requirements in order to emulate an actual chip. An FPGA synthesis tool, for example, FPGA compiler or Synplify PRO, was then adopted to map the design net-list into an edif file for FPGA. Next, an emulation database in FPGA was constructed using software for placing and routing FPGA. Additionally, timing constraints were established to enhance the emulation. Moreover, the database was downloaded into FPGA to initiate emulation and debug new designs. 管理方案主要成果總結 Our results indicated that the proposed method can reduce the costs and time of developing a 10MHz frequency by 95%, whereas the conventional method can only be used at a frequency of 1MHz. 管理方案對特定部門或領域的全面貢獻 Importantly, the proposed method can reduce testing time, include new devices that cannot function at 1MHz, and allow our company to verify the design with numerous platforms.

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德


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