Tag Archives: 科技報導


Academic publishing news學術出版新聞

6 Easy-and Not So Easy-Pieces of Advice for Grad Students
Read this brief but direct article on advice for new graduate students

Some sound advice for grad students includes the following:
1. Choose your topic wisely.
2. Write for those who will be reading you in 10 years, not for those people who wrote about your topic 10 years ago.
3. Almost indistinguishable from point number two, yet significantly different and perhaps even more important, is the need to remember that you cannot count on the praise of others to keep you going.
4. Your adviser is there to advise, not to parent, not to edit, not to coddle- even the best adviser in the world is not going to have enough time for you.
5. The perfect is the enemy of the good.
6. Only writing counts as writing. (chronicle)

Unique Essay App Fundamentally Improves Student Writing Skills
Essay Workstation, by Niles Technology Group, uses a copyrighted, step-by-step instructional process to teach students how to organize and write over 40 types of essays and papers. With written communication skills at a premium, Essay Workstation is the answer for students to make sure they are ready for the 21st century workplace. (appmodo)

From Dissertation to Book
This article gives advice on how to publish your dissertation as a book. What if publishing parts of your dissertation as separate journal articles hurts your chances of having your dissertation published as a book?
Some general advice on turning your dissertation into a book manuscript:
1. Don’t overexpose yourself –ordinarily no more than two journal articles from a book in progress.
2. Be very careful about publishing an article that sums up the argument of your book.
3. Don’t make your dissertation available online.
4. Make sure that your book and dissertation do not share the same title. (chronicle)

Open Thesis
Open Thesis is a free repository of theses, dissertations, and other academic documents, coupled with powerful search, organization, and collaboration tools. (opoenthesis)

A.nnotate lets you share and store notes on documents. When you upload a document A.nnotate displays it in the browser and lets you add notes and tags to specific words, phrases and regions of the page.
You can share documents so that other people can add notes and replies. All notes are added to your personal document index. (a.nnotate)

Book review

78 Important Questions Every Leader Should Ask and Answer
This book helps readers to how to understand what’s going on inside their companies and promote a positive relationship with their employees. It provides both common and uncommon examples of questions they need to ask and be prepared to answer regarding customers, employees, and even themselves. (scribd)


* 簡介背景 (研究建構+研究問題)

* 目標

* 方法

* 歸納希望的結果及

* 其對特定領域的貢獻


方法 Components of traditional Chinese medicine such as Chinese rhubarb are collected in a container and then extracted by supercritical fluids. Following extraction, the traditional Chinese medicine is then analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively by LC-Mass. Next, exactly what chemical elements are found in traditional Chinese medicine is confirmed through analysis. Additionally, the major chemical components are adopted in animal or cell-based experiments. 歸納希望的結果及 Analysis results demonstrate the ability of the proposed extraction method to reduce nearly half the time required by conventional approaches in extracting the valid compounds of Chinese medicine, making it an economically viable alternative. 其對特定領域的貢獻 Moreover, the proposed method significantly reduces the time required to prepare Chinese medicine for consumption, as well as ensures safe and modern applications for clinical medicine.

Source: 有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

密集課程 (柯泰德): Organizing Technical Research Papers(科技研究論文組織寫作)

密集課程 (柯泰德):Developing Copyediting Skills(英文編修訓練)

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德


Academic publishing news學術出版新聞

Five ways to kill your grant application
This article describes how researchers fail in obtaining funds in their research grants.
Ways in which researchers fail in wrting their funding grant application include
1. Weak on theory
2. No methodology
3. Declarative phrases
4. Lack of planning
5. Running late (theresearchwhisperer)

H-Net Job Guide: Academic Position Announcements
H-Net Job Guide is an excellent resource for advertising academic position vacancies because the guide allows for wide distribution to H-Net’s 160,000 subscribers, as well as targeting specific audiences among its 150 discussion networks.(h-net)

Art of Negotiation
This Power point presentation covers the basics of negotiation skills in a professional setting. (scribd)

Journal articles vs. Conference proposals
This article describes the dilemma that many academics have in deciding whether to write a proposal for a conference presentation or write a journal article.
Conference presentations are good in that they
1. allow a researcher to get their work out to an audience, in some ways more quickly than through journals
2. offer a great networking opportunity at which you can meet others interested in the same topic
3. get a new researcher exposure and name recognition with the established leaders in the field
4. allow a researcher to get some feedback on an early draft of a paper and refine it before submitting to a journal (protoscholar)

Bpubs.com – Business Publications Search Engine
Bpubs.com is an extensive resource for online business publications. (bpubs)

Book review

Understanding Leadership Perspectives: Theoretical and Practical Approaches by Matthew R. Fairholm and Gilbert W. Fairholm
This book provides empirical, theoretical, and practical insights to improve our understanding of leadership dynamics in a world increasingly defined by complexity, diversity, technology-based communication, and interconnectivity. This book also presents a comprehensive review of the field, including a history of the most influential schools of thought, and empirical studies of leadership in the public and private sectors. (scribd)


* 簡介背景 (研究建構+研究問題)

* 目標

* 方法

* 歸納希望的結果及

* 其對特定領域的貢獻


簡介背景 (研究建構+研究問題) Given its extensive use for many centuries, Chinese herbal medicine has received increasing emphasis among clinical researchers in Taiwan, as evidenced by the analysis of its efficacy by several analytical methods. However, extracting traditional Chinese medicine requires a large quantity of medicinal components and cooking for extended periods, making it less efficient to produce than Western medicine. 目標 Therefore, this work describes a novel extraction method for the valid compounds of traditional Chinese medicine through animal-based clinical trials for eventual use in humans.

Source: 有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

密集課程 (柯泰德): Organizing Technical Research Papers(科技研究論文組織寫作)

密集課程 (柯泰德):Developing Copyediting Skills(英文編修訓練)

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德


Academic publishing news學術出版新聞

Teaching Students to Write Case Studies
Instructing students to become familiar with established case studies and then to write up their own is a good exercise in developing their creativity and innovative thinking, so that they are more than just aware of theories and practices in their field.
A good case study meets the following criteria:
1 Poses a problem that has no obvious right answer;
2 Identifies actor(s) who must solve the problem and make decisions;
3 Requires the reader to use the information in the case to address the problem;
4 Evaluates the problem or potential solutions and requires the reader to think critically and analytically; and
5 Has enough information for a good analysis. (chronicle)

* Publishing Your Research 101 – Episode 3: Selecting Peers to Suggest as Reviewers
Watch this interesting video from the American Chemical Society on how to find peers in your field to review your research article. (youtube)

Great Colleges to Work for 2011
The major criteria for selecting Great Colleges to Work for 2011 are Professional/Career Development Programs, Confidence in Senior Leadership, Teaching Environment, Work/Life Balance, Supervisor/Department Chair Relationship, Tenure Clarity and Process. Compensation and Benefits, Diversity Collaborative Governance, Job Satisfaction, Respect and Appreciation, Facilities, Workplace & Security. (chronicle)

* Academic Jobs Wiki
This is a wiki for tracking searches in various categories for academic (i.e. faculty) positions. Please post listings by subject area. Note that many/most of these need filling in with actual pages. (academicjobs.wiki)

* The Art of Meeting
This article describes how to make meetings more productive and efficient.
Suggestions for improving the productivity of meetings include
1 Plan ahead
2 Prepare an agenda
3 Limit your agenda
4 Encourage participation
5 Serve light refreshments
6 Maintain focus
7 Only call meetings when necessary
8 Don’t complain
9 Show up on time
10 Be constructive
11 Edit yourself
12 Bring your calendar (chronicle)

Book review

Leading into the Future: A Global Study of Leadership: 2005-2015 American Management Association
This report discusses what’s driving leadership today, outlines how those drivers are affecting leadership roles, describes today’s state-of-the-art leadership development practices, forecasts what will drive leadership over the next 10 years and what the best-in-class practices may look like in the year 2015, draws conclusions about what’s wrong with leadership development today, suggests future directions for leadership theory, and provides a summary of the leadership development survey 2005 results. (scribd)


* 簡介背景 (研究建構+研究問題)

* 目標

* 方法

* 歸納希望的結果及

* 其對特定領域的貢獻


方法 Carcimoma macrophase culture is made for high glucose and low glucose. Survival rate of the MTT conversion cell is then analyzed by adding various concentrations of curcumin. Next, subsequent MTT data provide evidence of O.D 550nm of ELISA. 歸納希望的結果及 Analysis results indicate that various concentrations of curcumin can inhibit cancer cell growth. 其對特定領域的貢獻 Importantly, the proposed determination method significantly contributes to efforts to elucidate the potential role of curcumin in decreasing the incidence of cancer.

Source: 有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

密集課程 (柯泰德): Organizing Technical Research Papers(科技研究論文組織寫作)

密集課程 (柯泰德):Developing Copyediting Skills(英文編修訓練)

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德


Academic publishing news學術出版新聞

* Focus Booster 善用桌面電子番茄鐘,讓工作專注力加速

之前寫了「Keep Focused 保持25分鐘專注力的 Pomodoro 工作法小工具」一文後,有一些朋友開始跟著實作裡面提到的工具與方法(包括我自己),然後依據他們的回饋心得,還有我自己這段時間操作的經驗,都覺得「Pomodoro Technique(番茄鐘工作法)」確實可以達到:簡單上手、保持專注、減輕時間焦慮的用處。

番茄鐘工作法的基本精神是透過固定化的時間分段,將「大事化小,小事化無」。如果要連續四個小時去完成一件工作,你一定會覺得「遙不可及」而壓力很大;但是將這樣的工作分成八個時間區段,中間輔以適當的休息時間,分段完成的過程裡因為有「適度休息」和「短程壓力」而能保持衝勁,反而可以更有效率的完成工作:這就是Pomodoro Technique為什麼要制定每工作25分鐘就休息5分鐘的時間分段緣由。Focus Booster:http://www.focusboosterapp.com/ (playpcesor)

* Biomed Search
BioMedSearch is a biomedical search engine that contains NIH/PubMed documents, plus a large collection of theses, dissertations, and other publications not found anywhere else for free, making it the most comprehensive free search on the web. BioMedSearch also provides advanced account features that allow saved searches, alerts, saving documents to portfolios, commenting on documents and portfolios, and sharing documents with other registered users. Registering for BioMedSearch is free. (biomedsearch)

* How much time does a conference take?
This article breaks down what is involved and how much time is spent in participating in an academic conference. Getting an idea of how much is involved and how much time is involved is the first step in making the process a much more efficient one. (phdtalk)

* eBizSearch
Niche Search Engines offer an efficient alternative to traditional search engines when the results returned by general-purpose search engines do not provide a sufficient degree of relevance and when nontraditional search features are required. Niche search engines can take advantage of their domain of concentration to achieve higher relevance and offer enhanced features. We discuss a new digital library niche search engine, eBizSearch, dedicated to e-business and e-business documents. (acm)

* How to make your autobiographical essay stand out
Applying to graduate school or for a scholarship often requires an autobiographical essay. This article gives some pointers on how to write an effective one.
Some tips for writing an effective autobiographical essay include
1. Polish your writing style
2. Ask a senior academic for advice
3. Let your personality shine through
4. Point out the skills you’ve learned from your extracurricular activities (phdtalk)

Book review

The Practice of Leadership: Developing the Next Generation of Leaders by Jay A. Conger and Ronald E. Riggio
This book includes contributions from top scholars who outline the best leadership practices for the benefit of the practicing leader. Each chapter focuses on a specific area of leadership practice and ends with a set of “take away” best practices in each area—an executive summary in reverse—that will serve as a quick reference for those who might want to peruse chapters, but still extract the best practices, as well as a summary for those who thoroughly read each chapter. (scribd)


* 簡介背景 (研究建構+研究問題)

* 目標

* 方法

* 歸納希望的結果及

* 其對特定領域的貢獻


(研究建構+研究問題) Curcumin can inhibit the activation of cancer cells in humans. However, merely consuming plenty of natural foods such as vegetables and fruits does not ensure a concrete expression to circumvent the activation of cancer cells. The inability to consume adequate amounts of curcumin to inhibit cancer cell growth makes it impossible to ensure sustained growth. 目標 Therefore, this work introduces a determination method to identify various concentrations of curcumin that would inhibit cancer cell growth, enabling us to determine the most efficacious concentration.

Source: 有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

密集課程 (柯泰德): Organizing Technical Research Papers(科技研究論文組織寫作)

密集課程 (柯泰德):Developing Copyediting Skills(英文編修訓練)

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德


Academic publishing news學術出版新聞

Problem Sentences
This article introduces an effective writing strategy called “on the blank side of the page” that you can use when having trouble to express your ideas in particular sentences after you have written the sentence the first time.

Here is how the “on the blank side of the page” strategy works when dealing with problem sentences in your research paper:
1. Identify a sentence that has been giving you trouble.
2. Read it over, identifying its key ideas and thinking about the relationship between its parts.
3. Turn over the page, so you can no longer see the original sentence.
4. Imagine someone asking you what you were trying to say in the original sentence.
5. Answer that question aloud and try to write down verbatim what you come up with. At this stage, be fulsome: take advantage of the fact that we tend to articulate things more fully in spoken language.
6. Assess what you have come up with, remaining open to all possibilities (Should it be more than one sentence? Is it undermined by missing information? Does it appear at the correct point in the text?).
7. Finally, edit it to be sure that it hasn’t retained any of the informal tone you many have introduced by transcribing a spoken version. (explorationsofstyle)

One Moment’s Monument: Presenting Conference Papers
This article provides some helpful tips on presenting one’s research findings at an international conference.

Some helpful tips for effective presentations at international conferences include
1. Present. Don’t read.
2. Write for the purpose.
3. Know your audience.
4. Integrate your visual aids.
5. Attention to time
6. Practice. (vitae)

NASA Johnson Technical Reports Server (JTRS)
This is the research repository for the NASA Johnson Space Center. (nasa)

Writing Tools from To Do: Dissertation
Here are some free templates to help you keep track of your thesis or dissertation research progress.
These tools include
Summer Dissertation Writing Calendar with To Do List
Dissertation Calendar: February through May
Weekly Writing and Research To Do List
Writing Energy Audit
Project Breakdown Sheet
Scholarly Pipeline Visual (tododissertation)

Georgia Tech Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Archive (Georgia Tech ETD)
This is the electronic thesis and dissertation archive at George Institute of Technology. (gatech)

Book review

The Art and Science of Leadership by Afsaneh Nahavandi
This book describes how to develop leadership skills in terms of individual differences and traits, power and leadership, effective use of resources, as well as participative management and teams. In particular, the book focuses on equipping leaders with a better decision making capability so that they can have more satisfied employees, and better quality products and services.



Work objective工作目標 : 工作提案的目標 ?

Methodology to achieve objective 達成目標的方法 : 你的計劃中達成目標的步驟?

Anticipated results希望的結果 : 你希望達成的結果?

Contribution to field領域的貢獻: 你的提案對相關工作領域的貢獻?


研究目標 Based on the above, we should develop a questionnaire on customer satisfaction that can objectively survey the market demand and consumer preferences in hospitals island wide.

達成目標的方法 To do so, a questionnaire on customer satisfaction can be designed based on interviews with hospital administrators and relevant documentation. Questions deemed inappropriate can then be deleted following item analysis and factor analysis. Next, the questionnaire can be submitted to patients at Hsinchu General Hospital, with those results subsequently analyzed.

希望的結果 As anticipated, the proposed questionnaire on customer satisfaction can provide a uniform standard for hospitals island wide to assess the current market demand and customer satisfaction.

領域的貢獻 In addition to providing an objective means of determining the current market demand and level of customer satisfaction, the proposed questionnaire can provide a valuable reference for administrators when devising hospital policies.

Source: 有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

密集課程 (柯泰德): Organizing Technical Research Papers(科技研究論文組織寫作)

密集課程 (柯泰德):Developing Copyediting Skills(英文編修訓練)

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德


Academic publishing news學術出版新聞

Online Publishing and Plagiarism: Keep Alert
Academic writers should be concerned with how the Internet makes content vulnerable to outright plagiarism or theft of intellectual ideas. And not just academics. Any professional material can be re-published by industry competitors hoping to gain undue advantages. This article provides some helpful suggestions. (vitae.ac)

Texas Digital Library Repository
The Texas Digital Library (TDL) is a consortium of higher education institutions in Texas that provides shared services in support of research and teaching.TDL draws from the combined resources of its members to provide cost-effective, collaborative solutions to the challenges of digital storage, publication, and preservation of research, scholarship, and teaching materials. (tdl)

Academic Writing Strategy: Transitions
More than other academic writers, Chinese often have difficulty in creating transitions in order to create a smooth flow throughout the entire research paper. Read this interesting article on how to create transitions in your research paper as an effective academic writing strategy.

Here are some general guidelines for transitions in research papers:
1. Avoid unclear reference.
2. Avoid unnecessary transition words.
3. 3. Avoid the mere appearance of causality.
4. 4. Use transition words to indicate a change of direction in your text. (explorations of style)

IFPRI Publications (International Food Policy Research Institute Publications)
The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) seeks sustainable solutions for ending hunger and poverty. This site offers relevant research and technical publications. (ifpri)

Book review

30 Days to a More Powerful Memory by Gina Graham Scott
This introduces readers to memory-boosting techniques such as mnemonic devices, visualization, chunking and clustering, and mental triggers, and also shows how to: effectively decrease anxiety levels and combat the negative emotions that can affect recall; create powerful backup systems to help trigger associations; exercise both body and mind, and improve overall health to improve memory; get the kind of restful sleep that will increase one’s ability to retain information. (scribd)



Setting of work proposal工作提案建構 : 你工作提案的主題是什麼? 你的讀者可以明瞭工作提案的內容嗎?

Work problem工作問題 : 你的工作提案裡有你試著要解決或是想更進一步瞭解的問題嗎?

Quantitative specification of problem 問題的量化 : 你要如何量化問題來讓你的讀者明白之前文獻研究所遇到的量化限制

Importance of problem問題的中心 : 如果問題沒被解決或是充分瞭解, 這對工作提案的讀者會有多大的負面衝擊?


研究建構 Hospitals highly prioritize customer satisfaction as an important performance index that can increase customer loyalty and, ultimately, hospital revenues.

研究問題 However, Taiwanese hospitals lack a uniform questionnaire on customer satisfaction, making it impossible to compare satisfaction levels as the questionnaire contents vary among each hospital.

研究問題的量化 For instance, while each hospital conducts an annual query on customer satisfaction, adopting measures to improve customer relations has generally yielded a poor outcome.

研究問題的中心 The inability to create a uniform questionnaire on customer satisfaction nationwide makes it impossible for academic researchers to fully understand the overall level of customer satisfaction in Taiwan, possibly causing hospital administrators to make the wrong policy decisions.

Source: 有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

密集課程 (柯泰德): Organizing Technical Research Papers(科技研究論文組織寫作)

密集課程 (柯泰德):Developing Copyediting Skills(英文編修訓練)

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德


Academic publishing news學術出版新聞

Academic Writing Strategy: Reverse Outlines
Read this interesting article on how to create a reverse outline – after you have already written the rough draft of your research article. A reverse outline will reveal the structure—and thus the structural problems—of a text.

Writing a reverse outline for the rough draft that you have already written for your research paper involves the following steps:

1. Number your paragraphs. (Paragraphs are the essential unit of analysis here; next week we will look at why paragraphs are so important.)

2. Identify the topic of each paragraph. At this point, you can also make note of the following:
a. Is there a recognizable topic sentence?
b. How long is the paragraph?
i. Does the topic seem sufficiently developed?
ii. Is there more than one topic in the paragraph?

3. Arrange these topics in an outline.

4. Analyze this outline, assessing the logic (where elements have been placed in relation to one another) and the proportion (how much space is being devoted to each element).

5. Use this analysis to create a revised outline.

6. Use this revised outline to reorganize your text.

7. Go back to your answers in 2a and 2b to help you create topic sentences and cohesion in your paragraphs. (explorationsofstyle)

eCommons@Cornell is a service of the Cornell University Library that provides long-term access to a broad range of Cornell-related digital content of enduring value. (cornell.edu)

Effective Networking Top Tips
This article describes how academic networking allows you to use various opportunities to mention (or ‘market’) your own unique qualifications, skills and experience as well as collect information, advice and referrals.

Academic networking can be summed up in the folllowing:

L – Learning about the people you meet
I – Investing time into that learning process
N – Nurturing the relationship
K – Keeping the relationship is dependent upon your investment in it. (postgraduatetoolbox)

OpenSky is the open access institutional repository for for atmospheric research that suppors UCAR, NCAR, and UCP, extending free and open access to our scholarship for the benefit of research and education. (opensky)

Computer Science Technical Reports – Iowa State University
This is a repository of computer science technical reports at Iowa State University. (iastate)

Book review

Mastering your PhD: Survival and Success in the Doctoral Years and Beyond by Springer Publishing
This book helps guide PhD students through their graduate student days. This book is a handy guide for graduate students who need that extra bit of help getting started and making it through by concentrating on critical skills overlooked by many other how-to guides. (scribd)



Work objective工作目標 : 工作提案的目標 ?

Methodology to achieve objective 達成目標的方法 : 你的計劃中達成目標的步驟?

Anticipated results希望的結果 : 你希望達成的結果?

Contribution to field領域的貢獻: 你的提案對相關工作領域的貢獻?


工作目標 Based on the above, we should develop an adaptive clock recovery method to generate the clock signal in order to synchronize the clock, ensuring that the received data satisfies the criteria.

達成目標的方法 To do so, referred to herein as differential clock recovery, the proposed method can utilize common clock information on both ends. The transmitting side and receiving side can be synchronized with each other based on common clock information. GPS devices or some network time protocols can be used similarly to using the differential clock recovery method. Despite increasing the cost, this method has a certain limitation. No GPS signal is received when TDMoIP equipment is in a building. Another method, adaptive clock recovery, can be adopted to achieve clock recovery. Adopting this method does not require additional devices, e.g., a GPS receiver, to generate the synchronized clock.

希望的結果 As anticipated, the adaptive clock recovery method can enable re-use of existing TDM equipment in a building, subsequently reducing the cost of replacing the equipment by 10%.

領域的貢獻 Importantly, the proposed method can further enhance the ability of TDM void networks to fulfill service performance requirements.

Source: 有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

密集課程 (柯泰德): Organizing Technical Research Papers(科技研究論文組織寫作)

密集課程 (柯泰德):Developing Copyediting Skills(英文編修訓練)

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德


Academic publishing news學術出版新聞

How to make the most of your academic supervisor
Exactly what should graduate students expect of their graduate school supervisors? Your thesis or doctorate supervisor monitors your progress and becomes involved with your work as a critical observer who suggests ways of developing analyses, methodology and conclusions. Read this article on keys to a good relationship between graduate students and their supervisors. (postgraduatetoolbox)

Cryptology ePrint Archive
The Cryptology ePrint Archive provides rapid access to recent research in cryptology. Papers have been placed here by the authors and did not undergo any refereeing process other than verifying that the work seems to be within the scope of cryptology and meets some minimal acceptance criteria and publishing conditions. (eprint.iacr)

Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE)
The Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) is a distributed community effort involving educators, students, and scientists working together to improve the quality, quantity, and efficiency of teaching and learning about the Earth system at all levels. DLESE supports Earth system science education by providing:
• Access to high-quality collections of educational resources
• Access to Earth data sets and imagery, including the tools and interfaces that enable their effective use in educational settings
• Support services to help educators and learners effectively create, use, and share educational resources
• Communication networks to facilitate interactions and collaborations across all dimensions of Earth system education (dlese)

Considering the researchstudent-supervisor dialogue
The article discusses the elements of a good dialogue between graduate students and their thesis or dissertation supervisors.

A quality conversation between graduate students and their thesis or dissertation supervisors has the following elements:
* Intellectual substance. The graduate student and academic advisor talkabout the subject matter. The discussion encourages critical reasoning in the student such as making distinctions, applying ideas, forming generalizations and raising questions. The academic advisor emphasizes clear definitions of the terms being used.

* Dialogue. The academic advisor emphasizes sharing ideas and interacting with the graduate student.

* Logical extension and Synthesis. The dialogue between the graduate student and academic advisor builds on the ideas discussed such that there is an improved collective understanding of the issue.

* A sustained exchange. The graduate student and academic advisor has a series of exchanges and discussion rather than simple question and answer or question and comment. (supervisorsfriend)

Iowa State University (ISU) Electrical and Computer Engineering Archives
This is a repository of electrical and computer engineering technical reports at Iowa State University.(iastate)

Book review

The Truth About Confident Presenting by James O’Rourke
This book goes beyond the typical list of speaking tips and packs a lot of wisdom into 51 truths. The author explains the critical link between the content of a speech and its ultimate effectiveness, illuminating the powerful connection between preparation and performance. Speakers who follow the author’s winning formula are sure to find a grateful audience. (scribd)



Setting of work proposal工作提案建構 : 你工作提案的主題是什麼? 你的讀者可以明瞭工作提案的內容嗎?

Work problem工作問題 : 你的工作提案裡有你試著要解決或是想更進一步瞭解的問題嗎?

Quantitative specification of problem 問題的量化 : 你要如何量化問題來讓你的讀者明白之前文獻研究所遇到的量化限制

Importance of problem問題的中心 : 如果問題沒被解決或是充分瞭解, 這對工作提案的讀者會有多大的負面衝擊?


工作提案建構 TDM void networks have service performance requirements based on expertise of the end user. Synchronization must be designed to comply with performance standards of the TDM network. An increasing number of real-time services are offered over Internet-based networks, where timestamp based synchronization is utilized for billing, maintenance, call control, one way delay measurements and inter-media stream synchronization. Internet services can also connect TDM equipment using an Internet protocol (IP) network that enables backward compatibility.

工作問題 In TDMoIP, data and signaling from TDM equipment will be encapsulated or de-encapsulated in the inter-working functions situated at the interfaces of TDM and IP networks.

問題的量化 For example, service quality requirements are expected to be the same as those for TDM service as the end user is unaware of the IP transport.

問題的中心 Without proper clock synchronization, a service offered over the TDM network experiences errors, i.e. missing data that reduces service quality and availability.

Source: 有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

密集課程 (柯泰德): Organizing Technical Research Papers(科技研究論文組織寫作)

密集課程 (柯泰德):Developing Copyediting Skills(英文編修訓練)

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德


Academic publishing news學術出版新聞

Resumesimo: online resume builder
Resumisimo lets you put together an eye-catching resume in just a couple of minutes. All you have to do is to pick any of the several templates that are featured, and then supply (or import) your personal and professional information for the resume to be assembled. You will be able to make as many changes as you want, and also change the template you are using altogether. When you are happy with the results then you can download the resume to your PC, or as an online business card. (resumesimo)

High Beam Research
HighBeam is the premier online research tool for business and academic use. Here, you can search more than 80 million articles from the archives of over 6,500 newspapers, magazines, journals, and other publications. HighBeam also provides an in-depth, online library of reference works. This collection includes online dictionaries like Webster’s New World Dictionary and The Oxford American College Dictionary, encyclopedias from Columbia, thesauruses, maps, almanacs, and photos from AP Images. New articles are added to HighBeam daily. An extensive article archive is also available that includes newspapers, journals, and magazine back issues dating back more than 20 years. (highbeam)

How to Peer Review a Manuscript by David Moher and Alejandro R. Jadad
This article is invaluable is a great reference if you are invited to serve as a journal referee. (scribd)

Environmental and Energy Resources Library
As a multi-faceted online source of valuable electronic resources, the Electronic Environmental Resources Library (eERL) strives to be the best possible online collection of environmental and energy sustainability resources for community college educators and for their students. The resources are also available for practitioners and the public. (eerl)

How to Make a Good Presentation
Here is an information-packed guide on how to present one’s research findings effectively. (scribd)

Book review

Good Grief Grammar: The Business Person’s Guide to Grammar and Usage by Diana Booher
This comprehensive guide focuses on correct word usage, sentence structure, phrases and clauses, voice, verb tense, and mood, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization, as well as ommon errors such as split infinitives and dangling participles, and how to avoid them. (scribd)


* 簡介背景 (研究建構+研究問題)

* 目標

* 方法

* 歸納希望的結果及

* 其對特定領域的貢獻


方法 Following illumination by indoor light, CVD diamond films are analyzed to characterize their fundamental properties. CVD diamond films irradiated by a linear accelerator are then counted to elucidate the behavior of CVD diamond films in a high-energy region. 歸納希望的結果及 Analysis results indicate that, in addition to this new thermoluminescence material reducing additional annealing time, CVD diamond films are a good dosimeter owing to their sensitivity to high-energy radiation. 其對特定領域的貢獻 Moreover, without the requirement of annealing, this material is highly promising for other applications, especially in radiotherapy.

Source: 有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

密集課程 (柯泰德): Organizing Technical Research Papers(科技研究論文組織寫作)

密集課程 (柯泰德):Developing Copyediting Skills(英文編修訓練)

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德


Academic publishing news學術出版新聞

Rethinking Phds by Alison McCook
Before you decide to start a Phd, read this interesting article on the pros and cons and making such a commitment, as well as long term advantages and viable alternatives.
Here are some options when consider whether or not to pursue a Phd:
1. Jump in at the deep end.
2. Forget academia
3. Trample the boundaries
4. Get it online
5. Skip the Phd (scribd)

Scientist Solutions
Scientist Solutions is a life sciences board run by scientists for scientists. As such, Scientist Solutions is moderated by a team of full time scientific staff in order to maintain the integrity of our board for the sole purpose of scientific discussion and networking. (scientistsolutions)

Determining Which Type Of Writing Style Guide To Use
Various situations may determine which style guide you should use and require certain considerations such as the businesses needs, the management’s support and the work involved.
Major style guides include
*AMA (American Medical Association) Manual of Style
*Chicago Manual of Style
*The Elements of Style
*Elements of Typographic Style
*ISO 690 (guide for the preparation of bibliographic references)
*MHRA (Modern Humanities Research Associations) Style Guide
*MLA (Modern Language Association) Handbook
*MLA Style Manual
*New York Times Manual
*Oxford Guide to Style/New Hart’s Rules
*APA Publication Manual
*ASA (American Sociological Association) Style Guide
*Associated Press Stylebook
*Yahoo Style Guide (business2community)

eScholarship – University of California
eScholarship provides a suite of open access, scholarly publishing services and research tools that enable departments, research units, publishing programs, and individual scholars associated with the University of California to have direct control over the creation and dissemination of the full range of their scholarship. It also delivers a dynamic research platform to scholars worldwide. (escholarship)

Sample resumes and cover letters for various fields
Check out these free sample resumes and free sample cover letters for many different careers to make sure you get your job application just right. Use these cover letter examples and resume examples as a starting point to get you on the way to writing a winning job application. A free resume template and free cover letter template are also included. (careerfaqs)

Book review

Mastering Your Phd by Patricia Gosling and Bart Noordam
This book helps to guide PhD students through their graduate student days. Filled with practical advice on getting started, communicating with your supervisor, staying the course, and planning for the future, this book is a handy guide for graduate students who need that extra bit of help in making it through. (scribd)


* 簡介背景 (研究建構+研究問題)

* 目標

* 方法

* 歸納希望的結果及

* 其對特定領域的貢獻


簡介背景 (研究建構+研究問題) Surgery, radiotherapy and chemical therapy are three conventional approaches to treat cancer. Radiotherapy is the most effective means of using radiation for successful resolution. Owing to their inability to estimate precisely the dose required for cancer patients, conventional radiotherapy methods normally underestimate or overestimate the actual treatment dose, necessitating a precise and efficient evaluation of the proper and correct dose. 目標 Therefore, this work introduces a novel material, i.e. polycrystalline diamond films produced by chemical vapor deposition (CVD), for determining efficiently and straightforwardly the radiation dose of patients or staff.

Source: 有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

密集課程 (柯泰德): Organizing Technical Research Papers(科技研究論文組織寫作)

密集課程 (柯泰德):Developing Copyediting Skills(英文編修訓練)

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德