撰寫研究論文和口頭報告如何不同? (研究生英文編修出版投稿日報) 6/12/2015

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* 撰寫研究論文和口頭報告如何不同?
* 學術英文投稿教學影片 (509) Scheduling resources on multiple projects
* Viết tiếng Anh học thuật Bảng tin hàng ngàym:
* 動詞代替名詞 (精確英文寫作) (英文編修訓練) (2 / 10 )
* 動詞代替名詞 (精確英文寫作) (英文編修訓練) (3 / 10 )
* 非正式工程英文技術報告 (47) (下)
Academic publishing news 學術英文編修出版新聞


* 在研究報告中的複雜的句子,必須在口頭報告中加入更多的細節和例子。且應為口頭

* 你的口頭報告應該被看作是一個單向的溝通(雖然通常在演講結束會有答問時間)。

* 你的口頭報告的內容必須不同於正常的研究論文, 口頭報告的內容應以會話方式寫

* 口頭報告時間管理很重要。你必須確保及控制所有重點都要講完的所需時間。

Source: Writing for a Presentation by Rachael Cayley(explorationsofstyle)

學術英文投稿教學影片 (509) Scheduling resources on multiple projects
Viết tiếng Anh học thuật Bảng tin hàng ngàym:
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* Video giảng dạy viết bài báo tiếng Anh (90): How to tweet like a pro
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Viet OWL – Chỉnh sửa báo Khoa học đăng trên tạp chí Quốc tế

動詞代替名詞 (精確英文寫作) (英文編修訓練) (2 / 10 )



6. A recommendation of using iterative least squares (ILS) as a simple method for analysis of censored data was made by Schmee and Hahn (1990).

7. Normalization of operations is achieved by a simple calculation of the scores.

8. Improvement of the condition is achieved by variation of the control factors

9. A recommendation is made here that the program be simulated by the engineer.

10. The operator made a reservation of the ticket for me.


科技英文編修訓練手冊 柯泰德

動詞代替名詞 (精確英文寫作) (英文編修訓練) (3 / 10 )



11. The system performs an assignment of the weights to the variables.

12. The next phase performed an examination of the unknown factors.

13. Assessment of a student’s willingness to study by an instructor is possible through the
closely examination of his or her academic performance.

14. Solution of environmental problems is heavily dependent on responsiveness of the local
community to governmental legislation.

15. Promulgation of accurate information to the public can not be done by conventional


科技英文編修訓練手冊 柯泰德

非正式工程英文技術報告 (47) (下)


* 簡要的描述工程方案所關心的事項 。經由一個句子描述工程機構對影響目標工程或客戶有關事項的關心程度。

* 闡明特定部門或客戶所關心的工程環境:管理問題形成的工程環境背景描述。

* 介紹工程問題:工程問題的本質和對與其相關的特定部門或客戶的負面影響。

* 介紹工程方案的目標:工程機構對以上問題最合理的回應

* 工程方案方法論的細節描述:精確的方案步驟描述。

* 工程方案主要成果總結:工程方案對特定部門或客戶立即的利益。

* 工程方案對特定部門或領域的全面貢獻:研究結果和所提方法對工程機構以外更廣大讀者的牽涉


介紹管理方案的目標 Therefore, we developed a simulation model integrated into WSN hardware devices to create a more realistic observation. 管理方案方法論的細節描述 A software simulation platform was created. Certain functions from the simulation model were then provided to easily create, terminate and configure a simulated WSN node. Next, a mini kernel was implemented in the simulation model to provide an operating system that upper applications can operate. Additionally, basic WSN protocols, e.g., IEEE 802.15.4 PHY/MAC and Zigbee NWK/APP, were equipped, enabling implementation of unique algorithms based on the underlying protocols. Moreover, API drivers were supplied for programmers to manipulate the underlying hardware, similar to a RF transceiver. Finally, certain interfaces were provided to interact with and communicate among simulated WSN nodes and actual WSN hardware nodes. Those interfaces can send and receive data between simulated and/or practical WSN nodes. 管理方案主要成果總結 Our results indicated that the proposed simulation model can enable programmers to manipulate the hardware, as well as send or receive data among WSN nodes. The proposed model can also provide a kernel and basic WSN protocols for researchers to implement their proposed algorithms and protocols to resolve or enhance wireless sensor network issues, including multi-hops, multiple-access abilities, routing capabilities and self-organization. 管理方案對特定部門或領域的全面貢獻 Capable of providing a more realistic observation than purely simulated ones, the proposed simulation model can simplify efforts to deploy a large number of WSN nodes. Researchers can only distribute some practical WSN nodes to a small area and simulate the remaining area from the proposed simulation model to verify their novel algorithms or protocols. Doing so will enable researchers to concentrate on their major studies, not expend considerable time on deployments and configurations of WSN nodes.

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德


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