科學英文問題分析報告 (三) (下)

Academic publishing news學術出版新聞

The Will to Write: Getting Past the 6 Most Common Obstacles to Write
Read this excellent article on how graduate students can get past the most common obstacles to writing their research papers.
Common obstacles in graduate school writing are
* Emotional conflicts
* Lack of belief
* Anxiety about the quality of the result
* Inability to focus
* Trouble finding time to write
* Lack of enthusiam (phd2published)

E-Conference 國際研討會免費管理系統
E-Conference is a free multilanguage conference management system. (sourcforge)

YACOMAS (Yet another conference management system). 國際研討會免費管理系統
YACOMAS is a free conference management system written in PHP and MySQL. (yacomas)

Founding Father & Former Presidents of the ROC (指南/名錄資料庫)
This site gives short biographies of Sun Yat-sen (Sun Zhongshan) 孫中山, Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi) 蔣介石, Yen Chia-kan (Yan Jiagan) 嚴家淦 and Chiang Ching-kuo (Jiang Jingguo) 蔣經國. (oop.gov.tw)

線上專題演講 (柯泰德) : 描述學歷背景及已獲成就 (科技求職英文)
1.總括個人的學術成就 2.描述學術訓練所獲得的技能及(或)領導特質 3.強調一個學術訓練的特定領域 4. 強調學術背景對未來求職的利處 有效的求職英文自傳不僅必須能讓求職者在企業主限定的字數內精準的描述自身的背景資訊及先前成就,更關鍵性的因素是有效的求職英文自傳更能讓企業主快速明瞭求職者如何應用相關知識技術或其特殊領導特質來貢獻企業主。 (udemy)

國際研討會建議: 演講講稿 (三)
* Take special care that any bibliography is formatted according to the same rules – for instance, whether you are capitalising the titles of all books, using Roman or Arabic numerals for journal titles and so on.
* Head your bibliography ‘Selected Bibliography’, so your audience does not expect every single work ever on your topic to appear there.
* Make sure that your handout contains your name, e-mail address, university, title of your talk, and name and date of the conference at which you are presenting.
Source: Tips for Conferences or “Don’t Wear Pearls” (lizgolyn)



*目前的管理界情勢: 管理問題後的科學背景





範例: 研讀以下研究提案以辦別包含的科技論點:

這個科學問題影響到您機構的程度有多深 Posttranslational modification of the baculovirus expression system is better than that of the procaryote expression system. While producing proteins such as those found in humans, this baculovirus expression system requires less time than the mammalian expression system does. 這個沒有解決的科學問題會如何影響到您的機構及管理業界其他人 The inability to use the baculovirus expression system to produce proteins requires use of the mammalian expression system to produce human proteins, which is inefficient and expensive. 要如何進行來解決這個科學管理問題 Therefore, based on use of the baculovirus expression system, an attempt must be made to achieve expression of the trypsin inhibitor and, in doing so, use this protein to inhibit cancer. Posttranslational modification of the baculovirus expression system is better than that of the procaryote expression system, especially in terms of the protein quality because it closely resembles that of humans.

Source: 有效撰寫英文工作提案     柯泰德

有效撰寫英文工作提案     柯泰德
密集課程 (柯泰德): Organizing Technical Research Papers(科技研究論文組織寫作)

密集課程 (柯泰德):Developing Copyediting Skills(英文編修訓練)

有效撰寫英文工作提案      柯泰德

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