研究資助提案撰寫 (PART A) 研究生英文編修出版投稿日報 11/26/2015

M82 Chandra HST Spitzer

* 研究資助提案撰寫 (PART A)
* 學術英文投稿教學影片(668) Planning for and monitoring the outcomes of action-research projects
* 強有力的動詞 (精確英文寫作) (英文編修訓練) (10 / 12 )
* Viết tiếng Anh học thuật Bảng tin hàng ngàym
* 非正式工程英文技術報告 (133) (下)
Academic publishing news 學術英文編修出版新聞

研究資助提案撰寫 (PART A)





Source: The Joy of Grant Writing (gradhacker)

學術英文投稿教學影片(668) Planning for and monitoring the outcomes of action-research projects
強有力的動詞 (精確英文寫作) (英文編修訓練) (10 / 12 )

如前單元所示,使用動詞使句子意念表現的更清晰,然而,有些動詞讓人感覺並不強勁,無法有力闡示一個動作。動詞如 is, are, was, were, has, give, make, come, 還有 take 等都屬此類。所以, 作者應使用強有力的動詞來指明一個清楚的行為。


1. A laser printer normally has a higher price than an ink jet

2. The committee member gave a proposal that the traffic rules
should be reviewed by the zoning commission.

3. The technician took a measurement of the parameters so that
the boundaries are ensured to be accurate.

4. The focus of this study is a description of the differences
between ink jet printers and laser printers.


科技英文編修訓練手冊 柯泰德

Viết tiếng Anh học thuật Bảng tin hàng ngàym
* Thuyết trình báo cáo quản lý tiếng Anh hiệu quả (1) Kỹ thuật viết quảng cáo
– Những nhân tố chủ yếu trong kết cấu thuyết trình tiếng Anh: (A)Mở đầu (B)Nội dung chính (C)Kết luận
– Bắt đầu: (a) Chào hỏi và giới thiệu về chủ đề thuyết trình (b) Tóm tắt nội dung thuyết trình
* Video giảng dạy viết bài báo tiếng Anh (300): Academic Research Made Simple Using Surfdash.com
* Tổ chức lớp viết báo khoa học Kỹ thuật đăng trên tạp chí quốc tế (78) (phần 2)
* Thực hiện (Ví dụ: Electrical Engineering)
非正式工程英文技術報告 (133) (下)


* 簡要的描述工程方案所關心的事項 。經由一個句子描述工程機構對影響目標工程或客戶有關事項的關心程度。

* 闡明特定部門或客戶所關心的工程環境:管理問題形成的工程環境背景描述。

* 介紹工程問題:工程問題的本質和對與其相關的特定部門或客戶的負面影響。

* 介紹工程方案的目標:工程機構對以上問題最合理的回應

* 工程方案方法論的細節描述:精確的方案步驟描述。

* 工程方案主要成果總結:工程方案對特定部門或客戶立即的利益。

* 工程方案對特定部門或領域的全面貢獻:研究結果和所提方法對工程機構以外更廣大讀者的牽涉。


介紹管理方案的目標 Therefore, we developed a high-speed and low-power divider. 管理方案方法論的細節描述The iterations of generating a quotient was significantly reduced by a high-radix arithmetic system. The operations of addition were then eliminated with a non-restoring algorithm. Next, the power dissipation was diminished via a domino logic circuit. 管理方案主要成果總結 According to our results, the proposed divider using a high-radix arithmetic system and a non-restoring algorithm is 35% faster than conventional dividers. Moreover, the divider based on a domino logic circuit can decrease power dissipation by 15%. 管理方案對特定部門或領域的全面貢獻 Furthermore, in addition to providing further insight into developing a high-speed and low-power divider, the proposed scheme can be easily implemented in portable devices owing to its low-power consumption. (NOTE : Add 2-3 more sentences that describe more thoroughly how the proposed method contributes to a particular field or sector)

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德


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