學術期刊應該如何確定是否發生了期刊審稿人的不當行為?(研究出版倫理)研究生英文編修出版投稿日報 (PART A) 3/24/2015


* 學術期刊應該如何確定是否發生了期刊審稿人的不當行為?(研究出版倫理)(PART A)
* 學術英文投稿教學影片 (429) Improving your technical writing skills
* Viết tiếng Anh học thuật Bảng tin hàng ngàym 23/03/2015
* 代名詞必須清楚的使用 (明白寫作) 英文編修訓練 (3/12)
* 非正式商用英文技術報告 (27) (下)
Academic publishing news 學術英文編修出版新聞

學術期刊應該如何確定是否發生了期刊審稿人的不當行為?(研究出版倫理)(PART A) (柯泰德英文編修翻譯)

* 由學術期刊(核心期刊A)拒絕手稿的作者聲稱,他們的手稿是由接近的競爭對手不公平的審查。

* 作者還聲稱,評審也用他們的一些結果在隨後發表在期刊B,沒有任何引用說明。

* 被“指責”的科學家實際上已經審查了期刊上的一項,而他這次審查後,提交了一篇文章給期刊B。

* 探討了這一說法,期刊要求委屈作者提供不道德用他的工作方面的更多詳細信息。

* 受害的作者還確定了期刊B的文件,該研究論文均宣稱兩位作者進行第一次兩個基因的段落研究。

* 作為回應,被“指責”的科學家承認,兩篇論文之間有小的重疊。

* 不過,他否認自己曾抄手稿,針對期刊A審查的任何信息。

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (Case No. 9-13 )

學術英文投稿教學影片 (429) Improving your technical writing skills
Viết tiếng Anh học thuật Bảng tin hàng ngàym 23/03/2015:

* Viết thư giới thiệu (Kế hoạch thu thập tài liệu nghiên cứu hiệu quả)

* Video giảng dạy viết bài báo tiếng Anh (18):

* Tổ chức lớp viết báo khoa học Y khoa đăng trên tạp chí quốc tế (2) (phần 1)

* Nền tảng (Ví dụ): Radiotechnology

Vietnam Online Writing Lab
Chỉnh sửa báo Khoa học đăng trên tạp chí Quốc tế

代名詞必須清楚的使用 (明白寫作) 英文編修訓練 (3/12)



9. Factors C, D, F, G and H significantly affect the response average. This indicates that F can be
adjusted based on the target value.

10. You should maintain a constant cutting speed even though the effective diameter of the cutting
changes during machining.

11. In most previous investigations, they do not consider the simultaneous effects of deterioration and

12. A numerical example demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method, which further indicates
that the total system cost will be incorrectly estimated if the deteriorating effect and/or
inflationary effect are neglected.


科技英文編修訓練手冊 柯泰德

非正式商用英文技術報告 (27) (下)


* 簡要的描述商用方案所關心的事項 。經由一個句子描述商用機構對影響目標工業或客戶有關事項的關心程度。

* 闡明特定部門或客戶所關心的商用環境:管理問題形成的商用環境背景描述。

* 介紹商用問題:商用問題的本質和對與其相關的特定部門或客戶的負面影響。

* 介紹商用方案的目標:商用機構對以上問題最合理的回應

* 商用方案方法論的細節描述:精確的方案步驟描述。

* 商用方案主要成果總結:商用方案對特定部門或客戶立即的利益。

* 商用方案對特定部門或領域的全面貢獻:研究結果和所提方法對商用機構以外更廣大讀者的牽涉。


介紹管理方案的目標 Therefore, we developed two forecasting models to estimate the market demand of the elderly population in Taiwan with respect to the available resources in the long-term healthcare sector. 管理方案方法論的細節描述 A multi-regression model was developed to measure and forecast not only the quantity of early demand, but also the relationship between the demand and critical factors by accumulating a significant amount of data and identifying such factors. The data were then collected via a questionnaire, with the factors quantitatively measured based on a method found in literature review. Next, a GM (1, 1) model based on the Grey Theory was developed to accurately forecast the supply of available long term healthcare resources by using data acquired from the website of Taiwan’s Ministry of Interior. 管理方案主要成果總結 According to our results, in addition to identifying relevant factors that affect the quantity of demand, the proposed forecasting models can also measure precisely the quantity of demand and supply of long-term healthcare resources in Taiwan. 管理方案對特定部門或領域的全面貢獻 Importantly, results of this study provide a valuable reference for health care policy makers, investors in the medical sector, administrators and academics when devising up relevant policies and strategies. (NOTE : Add 2 more sentences that describe more thoroughly how the proposed method contributes to a particular field or sector)

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德


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