專注於一個或兩個研究領域 / 由您的學位論文中寫成一至兩篇手稿 (在頂尖學術期刊上發表我的研究成果一些有效戰略? / 什麼是學術期刊編輯和同行評審之間通信的典型模式? (研究生英文出版投稿日報) 8/27/2014


*專注於一個或兩個研究領域 / 由您的學位論文中寫成一至兩篇手稿 (在頂尖學術期刊上發表我的研究成果一些有效戰略?
*學術英文投稿教學影片 (220) Reading Comprehension Strategies: Using SQ3R – Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review
*強有力的動詞(英文編修訓練) (9 / 12 )
*科學英文論文組織寫作 (23) : (第一部分:背景)
Academic publishing news 學術英文出版新聞

專注於一個或兩個研究領域 / 由您的學位論文中寫成一至兩篇手稿 (在頂尖學術期刊上發表我的研究成果一些有效戰略?(PART A)(柯泰德翻譯)

* 專注於一個或兩個研究領域

– 通常情況下,你不應該超出兩個研究領域以上。

– 選擇你的專業領域內的兩個或三個重點領域。

– 然後,直到寫出一到二篇手稿。

– 如果您在一個領區三年無法發表論文,此時應考慮切換到另一個主題。

* 由您的學位論文中寫成一至兩篇手稿

– 既然你投資兩年或兩年以上時間寫你的學位論文,此時應嘗試由其中最重要的篇章寫成一至兩篇手稿。

– 此方法比從一開始寫一個全新的手稿更容易。

– 和您的研究顧問一起找到合適的期刊投稿。

How to Publish in Top Journals by Kwan Choi

什麼是學術期刊編輯和同行評審之間通信的典型模式?(柯泰德翻譯) (PART B)

* 重新提交:編輯通知作者,包括匿名評審的報告副本。

– 作者改寫後作出回應,並重新提交文件。

– 該期刊編輯發送文件的修訂版本給評審。
* 感謝信:該期刊編輯感激該期刊評審的努力。

* 後續:有時候,期刊編輯會通知評審提交手稿的出版狀態。

– 該期刊的編輯有時會提供評審其他評審的報告副本。

A guide for new referees in theoretical computer science by I. Parberry

學術英文投稿教學影片 (220) Reading Comprehension Strategies: Using SQ3R – Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review
強有力的動詞(英文編修訓練) (9 / 12 )

如前單元所示,使用動詞使句子意念表現的更清晰,然而,有些動詞讓人感覺並不強勁,無法有力闡示一個動作。動詞如 is, are, was, were, has, give, make, come, 還有 take 等都屬此類。所以, 作者應使用強有力的動詞來指明一個清楚的行為。


9. An assignment of the project schedule to the site manager is made by the foreman.

10. An assessment of project goals is performed by the team leader.

11. The machine operator conducts transportation of the auto parts to the assembly line.

12. Arrangement of the assigned tasks is coordinated by the laboratory manager.


科技英文編修訓練手冊 柯泰德

科學英文論文組織寫作 (23) : (第一部分:背景)



研究建構 : 你研究的主題是什麼? 你的讀者可以明瞭研究的內容嗎?

研究問題 : 你的研究裡有你試著要解決或是想更進一步瞭解的問題嗎?

研究問題的量化 : 你要如何量化問題來讓你的讀者明白之前文獻研究所遇到的量化限制?

研究問題的中心 : 如果問題沒被解決或是充分瞭解, 這對研究的讀者會有多大的負面衝擊?

(第一部分:背景) :

研究建構 Cellular signal transduction includes many cell signal pathways, an area having received considerable research interest. The cell endoplasmic reticulum (ER )Ca2+ pool attempts to maintain an ion concentration balance of cellular calcium, which is an extremely important organelle. Among the calcium, an ion is cellular ER to proceed with the protein translation, protein translocation, folding and cellular ER translation protein to confirm ER Ca2+ pool plays a significant role. However, these functions should mainly cause the implementation of many resident ER Ca2+–binding proteins.The existence of many Ca2+-binding proteins in the ER is widely documented. Additionally, although passive in producing ER inside the high concentration, these proteins have an important physiological function. Additionally, the protein kinase C accepts some physiological functions after stimulation. Protein kinase C belongs to serine-threonine kinase about the message transduction The cell-related hormone or growth factor is used to proceed to the next step for activation of phospholipase C, thus producing DAG. Finally, protein kinase C is activated.

研究問題 However, in addition to having many isoforms, PKC can differentiate between conventional PKCs (, 1, 2, and ), novel PKCs (, ,ηandθ), atypical PKCs (ζandλ/ι) . Previous research focused on ER and how to regulate the calcium concentration of the intracellular pathway. . Therefore, these PKC isoforms activate to some degree correlation. However, PKC cannot clearly identify the different types of cell lines that inhibit ER Ca2+ sequestering activity. PKC has also not been investigated with respect to the intracellular Ca2+ pool.

研究問題的量化 Still, ER Ca2+ pool has not been investigated with respect to PKC isoforms in cell signal transduction, the functions of PKC and DNA transcription or translation as well as various intracellular pathways. Moreover, conventional cell culture methods can not thoroughly understand the cellular pathway of PKC, making the cellular apoptosis mechanism unclear as well.

研究問題的中心 The inability to thoroughly understand protein kinase C and the cell signal pathway will negatively impact the physiological characteristics of PKC with respect to cellular life and death.

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德


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