研究論文或技術文件信息呈現組織模式 / 分析你的觀眾和你的研究論文或技術文件寫作目的 : 研究生英文投稿日報 11/22/2013


* 研究論文或技術文件信息呈現組織模式 (PART A)

* 分析你的觀眾和你的研究論文或技術文件寫作目的 (PART C)

* 助研究思考及寫作的背景音樂 (313)

* 國外專家訪問行程之安排 (國外專家訪問) (有效撰寫專業英文電子郵件) (4 of 9

* 商用英文問題描述 (5) (上)

Academic publishing news 學術出版新聞

研究論文或技術文件信息呈現組織模式 (PART A)

* 編年體模式解釋所發生的或可能發生的事件或讀者即刻要完成的任務。

* 空間模式描述了一個物體或場景,如設備或位置。

* 一般到特定的模式解釋在一個複雜的情況下,導致一個問題的因素或一個過程的基礎理論。

* 重要的到不重要的模式則呈現一組因素。

Technical Communication 10th Edition by Mike Markel (p. 155 )

分析你的觀眾和你的研究論文或技術文件寫作目的 (PART C)

* 本文是否按照預期的組織形式撰寫?

– 章節介紹是否包括一般的及特定信息?

* 介紹和結論部份有提出你所期望表述的信息嗎?

* 本文組織具有流線性?

* 主要思想是否首先於主題句提出?有無其他支持信息?

* 本文是否使用標題?標題是否使用一個以上的分項水準?

Technical Communication 10th Edition by Mike Markel (p. 153 )

助研究思考及寫作的背景音樂 (313)
Alan Hovhaness (1911年3月8日-2000年6月21日),亞美尼亞-蘇格蘭裔美國作曲家,20世紀最多產的古典音樂作曲家之一。

國外專家訪問行程之安排 (國外專家訪問) (有效撰寫專業英文電子郵件) (4 of 9)


The schedule of your trip to Taiwan has tentatively been arranged as follows:
5/17: Arrive in Taiwan, and stay in Taipei
5/18: Take the train from Taipei to Hsinchu and visit UCL in the evening. I will accompany you to Chiayi by train.
5/19: Visit ABC’s R&D Center in Chiayi in the evening. You can take a train to Kaohsiung yourself and stay in a hotel. I will arrange for a friend to pick you up on 5/22
5/20: Visit the ABC Kaohsiung Refinery. Return to Taipei in the evening.
The above schedule is only tentative and I still need to confirm it with some of my friends. As soon as everything is finalized, I’ll let you know.

商用英文問題描述 (5) (上)

* 商用提案建構 : 你商用提案的主題是什麼? 你的讀者可以明瞭商用提案的內容嗎?

* 商用問題 : 你的商用提案裡有你試著要解決或是想更進一步瞭解的問題嗎?

* 商用問題的量化 : 你要如何量化問題來讓你的讀者明白之前文獻研究所遇到的量化限制 ?

* 問題的中心 : 如果問題沒被解決或是充分瞭解, 這對商用提案的讀者會有多大的負面衝擊?

* 商用計劃需求 : 根據以上問題,最迫切的計劃需求是什麼?


商用提案建構 Regional hospitals in Taiwan lack an adequate number of physicians and wards for critically ill patients. Emergency care staff can thus provide only primary care for those patients before transferring them to a larger medical center. 商用問題 Such patients are thus unlikely to return to regional hospitals for subsequent visits, instead opting for those larger medical centers for primary care. (NOTE : Add 2-4 sentences that describe characteristics of the problem or statistics that reflect its severity) 商用問題的量化 Changing trends among hospital patients significantly impact the operating budgets of regional hospitals. For instance, according to statistics from Eng Chu Kong Hospital, the transfer rate of emergency room patients to larger medical centers reached 50% in 2003, subsequently deceasing the ward utility rate to 20%. 問題的中心 This statistic has greatly concerned hospital administrators, especially with respect to how to effectively adopt customer relations management (CRM) in order to keep regional hospital patients from transferring to larger medical centers. 商用計劃需求 Therefore, a CRM-based approach must be developed by investigating why critically ill patients at regional hospitals in Taiwan transfer to larger medical centers in order to more thoroughly understand the anticipated medical services that their families expect.

Source: 有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

密集課程 (柯泰德): Organizing Technical Research Papers(科技研究論文組織寫作)

密集課程 (柯泰德):Developing Copyediting Skills(英文編修訓練)

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

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