研究小組使用Delphi technique進行集思廣益的方法 / 在自己的研究課題進行腦力激盪: 研究生英文投稿日報 8/16/2013


* 研究小組使用Delphi technique進行集思廣益的方法 (PART A)

* 在自己的研究課題進行腦力激盪 (PART A)

* 助研究思考及寫作的背景音樂 (215)

* 資訊請求信函 (有效撰寫專業英文電子郵件) (1 of 6)

* 工程英文問題描述 (25) (上)

Academic publishing news 學術出版新聞

研究小組使用Delphi technique進行集思廣益的方法 (PART A)

* Delphi technique可以使用e-mail來進行頭腦激盪研究。成員間不必面對面討論.

* Delphi technique用來產生一個專家小組之間的想法,但它也可以被用來生成研究論文寫作的想法。

* Delphi technique的工作原理如下:

– 一項問卷要求受訪者列出一個研究課題相關的想法。

– 通過e-mail發送到相應的受訪者填妥並寄回問卷。

Guide to Writing Empirical Papers, Theses, and Dissertations by G. David Garson (pp. 5)

在自己的研究課題進行腦力激盪 (PART A)

* 制定一個初步的閱讀列表(不是你的文獻回顧),讀各種各樣的觀點。

* 請問指導顧問在你研究領域的智囊團和研究機構名稱。

* 在 http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem / booksquery.html網上搜索The Library of Congress

* 進行網上搜索時一個好的搜索引擎如下: Google Scholar and All the Web。”

* 諮詢專家對研究課題的想法為何。

Guide to Writing Empirical Papers, Theses, and Dissertations by G. David Garson (pp. 7)

助研究思考及寫作的背景音樂 (215)
Sir John Kenneth Tavener (1944年1月28日-),英国作曲家,以宗教精神深厚的合唱作品著称。塔文纳的主要作品基本上都是宗教性的合唱作品,其中无伴奏合唱尤为出色。他早期的风格受到斯特拉文斯基和梅西安的影响,但是后来他对自然音阶和宗教神秘主义的偏爱使他的风格逐渐向以阿沃•帕特为代表的神圣简约主义靠拢。他的音乐往往旋律优美感人,充满冥想性,并且常常有非西方音乐的因素混合其中。

資訊請求信函 (有效撰寫專業英文電子郵件) (1 of 6)


As a graduate student at the Institute of Business and Management at Yuanpei University of Science and Technology, I am very interested in your research on correlation data. Given your pioneering work on decision theory, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Analytic Network Process (ANP), I have read many of your published articles and am well aware of your more than 12 books on these topics. I particularly enjoyed your articles, “Decision Making—The Analytic Hierarchy and Network Processes (AHP/ANP)”, “Fundamentals of the Analytic Network Process: Dependence and Feedback in Decision-Making with a Single Network”, “Theory of the Analytic Hierarchy and Analytic Network Process—Examples Part 2.2” and “Decision-making with the AHP: Why is the Principal Eigenvector Necessary?”.

As is well known, AHP has not only been extensively used in decision making in business, industry and government, but has also been often applied to multi-criteria decision problems that are large-scale and multiparty-oriented. ANP has played a major role in various decisions, involving benefits, costs, opportunities, potential risks and the forecasting of outcomes.
I am interested in the following.
1. AHP decision-making procedures adopted in business to achieve success;
2. Some of the assumptions you made when deriving the AHP model;
3. The relationship between AHP and ANP.

I would also appreciate your sending me the first article that you wrote on AHP.

Thank you in advance for your kind assistance.

工程英文問題描述 (25) (上)

* 工程提案建構 : 你工程提案的主題是什麼? 你的讀者可以明瞭工程提案的內容嗎?

* 工程問題 : 你的工程提案裡有你試著要解決或是想更進一步瞭解的問題嗎?

* 工程問題的量化 : 你要如何量化問題來讓你的讀者明白之前文獻研究所遇到的量化限制 ?

* 工程問題的中心 : 如果問題沒被解決或是充分瞭解, 這對工程提案的讀者會有多大的負面衝擊?

* 工程計劃需求 : 根據以上問題,最迫切的計劃需求是什麼?


工程計劃建構 Global franchisers sell various products in shopping malls and department stores, necessitating various advertising strategies to promote a new product line. Among those, numerous multimedia advertising campaigns through use of videos and pictures in digitized format have replaced conventional advertising ploys such as posters and billboards to attract customers. 工程計劃問題 Despite increased sales volume through multimedia advertising, the product turnover rate has increased as well, requiring a constant change in multimedia advertising contents and, ultimately, a significant amount of company personnel and resources. (NOTE : Add 3-4 more sentences that describe characteristics of the problem or statistics that reflect its severity) 工程計劃問題的量化 For instance, whereas placing the content in a multimedia advertisement requires an average of 3 minutes; doing so in 1,000 multimedia advertisements expends 50 hours. 工程計劃問題的中心 The inability to efficiently utilize company personnel and resources involved in changing multimedia advertising content will ultimately lead to prohibitively high overhead costs for the advertising agency and lower the profits of shopping malls and department stores. 工程計劃需求 Therefore, a centralized multimedia advertising system must be developed, capable of using a client-server architecture that enables advertising staff to replace the advertising contents for numerous multimedia advertising clients simultaneously through a centralized server.

Source: 有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

密集課程 (柯泰德): Organizing Technical Research Papers(科技研究論文組織寫作)

密集課程 (柯泰德):Developing Copyediting Skills(英文編修訓練)

有效撰寫英文工作提案 柯泰德

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